If it’s meant to be, it will be. This may be true with a lot of things but not with designer bags. Our bags are more than just sacks that we carry around, these bags are our companions and allies in life. Designer bags are also an investment because they last for a long time with proper care. It also creates a lasting impression on the people that we meet daily. Ergo, purchasing the right one with proper thought and care is important.
Here are some tips on how to choose your bag-to-be:
Quality. Quality. Quality.
I cannot emphasize this enough: always consider the bag's quality. The bag will be an investment and you will be carrying it around with everything and you don’t want to have handles failing or the thread popping out after a month of use. It’s best to invest in designer bags that promise high-quality because a good bag comprises good design, sturdy material, and dependable hardware. A quality designer bag will also look best when you snap that OOTD selfie.
Smooth zipper
An everyday bag means that you’ll be bringing it to almost and it will be a great plus if the zipper works fine. It’s much of a hassle to always have your belongings falling or making a scene on the streets or train just because the zipper is not working well or broke off right away. Travel totes and larger bags should have zippers to keep the contents inside and to be kept safe while commuting.